Sunday, June 28, 2015

The Finished Blanklet and Fun Day

Ta dah...well done everyone, and a BIG thank you to Mrs Rumley. The blanket will be hung up in the library during Book Week along with all the other products that 5/6 Coote  have been working on as parts of their visual arts and literacy program. Also, a huge thank you to both parents and students who thought laterally and made some amazing plates of food for this special Funday Monday. Mrs Rumley and I were very impressed with the range of food available. Master Chefs! Students had an enjoyable day, showed their knowledge on the Australian quiz questions and had great manners. I think they enjoyed the classic E.T. I will be away on Long Service Leave travelling in Iceland and Scotland for the holidays and the first three weeks back next term. The children will be in the very capable hands of Mrs Andropolis doing lots of engineering challenges!

The blanket was presented in the final term assembly today and was well received. (July 2nd)

Thursday, June 25, 2015

Fabulous project link for Show Bag work by TL

Take the time to watch these projects done by two boys in the class..

Show Bags will now be shared with 5-6 Klonaris and 1/2 Saunders upon my return from LSLearly in term 3. The bags are looking fantastic. The students have come up with some very innovative ideas. This is the pictorial cube which encapsulates lives of the colonial figures. This one feature Banjo Paterson and has been created by SG; the legendary Show Bag designer.

P.S. Don't forget Funday Monday. Get those imaginative snacks cooking. Can you guess the Mystery Movie?

Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Top views, side views, front views (so proud of a collaborative class)

These dudes are the best! Students all have representations of the 3D shape they made. They were encouraged to keep it simple but some just had a megatropolis in mind. (Please wait for term three!). They looked at side views, top views, front views and represented their models on isometric dot paper. We looked at the volume aspect as well. Their sketches on isometric dot paper are available for viewing in their portfolios in the classroom. Their portfolios will go home at the conclusion of the year with the end of year report. This term the report was done in conjunction with the PhotoStory disc each child received and designed a jacket for. So you can see your child in action, on task (engaged) or maybe the occasional nomad! 

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The Blanket Project

This will be another of our class contributions to the Book Week Display in August in which students have key leadership roles. Not only will they be setting up displays but they will also help with the recommending and selling of books. It is going to be amazing so make sure you come to the Book Fair to be held in the B.B.P.S Library. The class blanket is based on the Book Week nomination called My Two Blankets. Students are really enjoying this unit and learning a lot about the use of colours for emotions and mood and about the application of pastels to calico. A lot of work, especially in terms of preparation from Mrs Rumley and it is appreciated! How lucky were we to have her in our room for four weeks. I will miss her when she is gone.

Someone thinks they are an aeroplane


Must be a cold day

Love these shades of orange through brown